
Slumberland Furniture Bed Race For Bridging Now Virtual!

February 17, 2021


New Video/Still Photo Contest Kicks Off Today


BLOOMINGTON, MINN. – The 2021 Slumberland Furniture Bedrace for Bridging, the coolest fundraiser around, is going virtual. This year, organizers are seeking creative video or still photo entries of supporters sliding down their favorite hill, turning their beds into sleds or sleds into beds!

 Videos (60 seconds or less) may be submitted beginning Monday, Feb. 8 through Saturday, March 8, 2021. A $50 donation is requested per entry. Thanks to our generous title sponsor, Slumberland Furniture, 100% of registration fees and all additional funds raised will go directly to Bridging. 

 All ages are welcome to participate and raise funds for Bridging, a local nonprofit that empowers people pursuing housing stability to thrive in their homes by providing quality furniture and household goods.

 A group of judges will select the top photos and videos. Criteria will include: 

  • most creative
  • best visual representation of Bridging’s mission
  • how creatively entrants turned their bed into a sled or sled into a bed

 Prizes will be awarded to top three videos/still photos as well as the highest “Bucks for Bridging” fundraising results.  Prize packs are valued at $500 for first place, $250 for second, and $125 for third in both categories.

 For more information and to upload your entry, please visit:

 This event is made possible by the generosity of sponsors including: Slumberland Furniture, K102, KOOL 108, and KSTP TV/5 Eyewitness News.

 The Bedrace for Bridging was created in 1999 by local ad agency, Nemer Fieger & Associates. The event has grown and since its inception, has raised more than $1 million dollars for Bridging.

 Bridging, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization primarily serving the greater Twin Cities, provides quality donated furniture and household goods to nearly 250 people each week as they transition out of homelessness and poverty and furnish their home with hope. With locations in Bloomington and Roseville, Bridging is driven by volunteers and donations of basic home essential items from the community. Since 1987, Bridging has served more than 100,000 households and reduces landfill space by nearly 10 million pounds each year.

 Slumberland Furniture is a family-owned furniture retailer, founded in 1967 and headquartered in Oakdale, Minn. One of Slumberland’s core business principles is to give back to every community they serve. That commitment to community has led to a 30+-year relationship with Bridging, Inc., as well as the creation of the 40 Winks Foundation, whose mission is to give brand new beds – and healthy sleep -  to kids sleeping on the floor or without a bed of their own.

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